So far in this column, I’ve written about how climate and gender are coming together in private market investment vehicles, and why investing that way isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.
But what about the public markets? We know that more capital is deployed through investing in listed companies than anywhere else by institutional and retail investors alike. And it’s well recognized that corporate behavior is both a key driver on climate and a key driver on gender equity.
So, if we want to use finance as a tool to shift the needle on climate and gender, we need to be working in the public markets as well.
A handful of leading-edge asset managers have created vehicles that are tackling both simultaneously.
The conventional wisdom in public markets has been to approach climate and gender as separate themes, whether for reasons related to perceived investor demand, fears of narrowing the universe of investable companies if you apply both lenses simultaneously or challenges with analyzing or integrating the data. Read more…