UNEA 6: What to Expect from Kenya’s Private Sector Participation


The United Nations Environment Assembly’s sixth session (UNEA-6) can be summarized as a platform for exploring new ideas and making bold decisions to ...

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Why Plastic Pollution and Climate Change Should be Jointly Addressed


Plastic pollution does not exist in a vacuum because of the interdependence of organisms in our ecosystem. Plastic pollution affects natural processes...

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Organisations should prepare to measure, report greenhouse gases


Greenhouse gases (GHG) are a collection of gases contributing to global warming. Their presence in the atmosphere traps heat from the sun, resulting i...

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COP27: World leaders agree to talk about paying for loss and damage

UN Climate Change.

“Funding arrangements responding to loss and damage” has been included for the first time in an agenda agreed upon by the global community for the COP...

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African scientists call for better forests management to boost climate resilience

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  Mombasa – The transition to a low carbon future in sub-Saharan Africa will be realised once the continent prioritises sustainable management o...

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Messing with nature is risky business!

Jos Reinhoudt

For a long time now, economy and the conservation of biodiversity seemed to be two different worlds. Not many CEOs or financial managers were able to ...

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