UNEA 6: What to Expect from Kenya’s Private Sector Participation


The United Nations Environment Assembly’s sixth session (UNEA-6) can be summarized as a platform for exploring new ideas and making bold decisions to ...

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Why Plastic Pollution and Climate Change Should be Jointly Addressed


Plastic pollution does not exist in a vacuum because of the interdependence of organisms in our ecosystem. Plastic pollution affects natural processes...

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Ministry pushes for circular economy to improve waste management

People collecting recyclable materials at Dandora dumping site in Nairobi on December 9,2020.One Kg of plastic bottles that they collect at the dumpsite are sold at Ksh 15.EVANS HABIL

The CS noted that the challenge with using the circular economy as a way to manage waste is the need for a mindset shift. As such, she said, the minis...

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Re-Connect For Good Practices On The Sustainable Circular Economy Journey. Upande Ltd is a private Kenyan social enterprise founded in 2009.  We devel...

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Safeguard plants for survival of humanity


On March 29, 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to designate every May 12 as the International Day of Plant Health. This d...

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Circularity requires collaboration from companies, large and small


When we think about what it will take to transform our global economy, it is easy to suffer from one of two thought distortions: The first is an overw...

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Country report-Plastic value chain in Kenya

Study_plastic vale chain

Certain steps to advance waste management in Kenya have already been taken by both the private and public sector. Most notable development is the init...

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National Guidance: Plastic pollution hotspotting and shaping action

Plastic hotspotting

Hotspots: They refer to the most relevant plastic polymers, applications, industrial sectors, regions or waste management stages causing the leakage o...

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3 observations about circular packaging, from the experts


Everyone who participates in the modern economy understands that packaging needs to be improved, right? Honestly, I get frustrated when it takes 10 mi...

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The Philippines’ plastic lawsuit highlights limitations of UN pollution pact

Denmark Minister for Environment

By Hannah Alcoseba Fernandez 4 minute readMarch 17, 2022 Even before world leaders agreed to draw up the first international treaty to control global...

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