Case Study: Lucy Ngorongo, passionate enough to get dirty to keep the environment habitable

She is Lucy Ngorongo, the Founder of Junky Bins, a waste management company offering comprehensive services, including residential, commercial, hospitality, and industrial waste collection, transportation, and disposal. She strikingly balances her advocacy prowess in one day, and in another, she leads a team of men and women in collecting waste, which she otherwise refers to as “treasure hunting.”

The Essential Role of Gender Mainstreaming in Transforming Kenya’s Waste Management Sector

In Kenya, the waste management sector is not just a critical component of our environmental sustainability efforts, but also a reflection of our societal values and commitment to equity. The recently launched Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit in Waste Management by The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), through its knowledge center, the Sustainable Inclusive Business Kenya (SIB-K) offers a comprehensive guide that underscores the indispensable role of gender equity in this sector.

KEPSA Launches Carbon Market Guidebook for Kenyan Enterprises

On April 12th, 2024, KEPSA, through Sustainable Inclusive Business, in partnership with the World Bank, launched the Carbon Market Guidebook for Kenyan Enterprises at a stakeholder-engaging event in Nairobi. The guidebook aims to provide step-by-step guidance for Kenyan enterprises in various industries, including agriculture, waste management, environment, forestry, trade, banking, insurance, manufacturing, energy, transportation, construction, […]

Private Sector Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment with Membrane Technology

Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), through its Knowledge Centre; Sustainable Inclusive Business (SIB-K), recently participated in an event aimed at piloting membrane technology to enhance resource efficiency and cleaner production in the textile, tannery, and chemical sub-sectors for wastewater treatment within the Nairobi River Basin. Ultravetis East Africa Ltd, a KEPSA member, was selected as […]

KEPSA in partnership with Kenya Red Cross, Concludes the 2-year “Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects” Program in Mombasa

(19th March, 2024: Mombasa) Together with other partners, the FSPI program, funded by the French government through the French Embassy in Kenya, has benefited about 3,552 youth and women in Mombasa to gain and elevate their entrepreneurship and technical skills across various industries. “A big congratulations and thank you to the Kenya Red Cross Society […]

UNEA 6: What to Expect from Kenya’s Private Sector Participation

The United Nations Environment Assembly’s sixth session (UNEA-6) can be summarized as a platform for exploring new ideas and making bold decisions to help us chart an ambitious path towards collective environmental action. Taking place from February 26th to March 1st at the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Headquarters in Nairobi, this year’s UNEA6 session […]


Under the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), the Sustainable Inclusive Business (SIB-K) and Ajira Digital Program on 11th August hosted a roundtable for key stakeholders in the green economy, to discuss the emerging solutions for businesses as well as the work opportunities for young people in the green sector, while curbing issues of climate change. […]

Bidii Primary School Gets Designated Plastic Waste Bin Under the #BINITRIGHT Initiative

On Friday 14th July 2023, Sustainable Inclusive Business (SIB-K) launched the #BinItRight Environmental Awareness Campaign at Bidii Primary School in Buruburu. Bidii Primary becomes the second school to host the plastic waste separation initiative after the campaign’s inaugural implementation at Umoja Primary School on 27th February 2023.   Gracing the launch event were Mr. Ebenezer […]

Why Plastic Pollution and Climate Change Should be Jointly Addressed

Plastic pollution does not exist in a vacuum because of the interdependence of organisms in our ecosystem. Plastic pollution affects natural processes, biodiversity, human and animal habitats and contributes to climate change. Whether dumped in landfills or incinerated, plastic waste still adversely affects our physical environment and air quality leading to other multilayered environmental and […]

Pre-World Environment Day Dialogue: Enhancing Green Jobs Opportunities and Skills for Youth and Women

By Josphine Wawira. I met Naftal Kobags and his group of 14 youthful Coastarians in 2020. They were trainees in the first phase of our COAST Project in Mombasa, facilitated by Sustainable Inclusive Business Kenya on sustainable waste management, converting waste to money-making business cases, entrepreneurship, business skills, and financial literacy. Their enthusiasm was quite […]