Florensis is a family-owned business founded in the Netherlands in 1941, located in Naivasha, and produces planting material for growers in Europe and across the globe. Our products are part of nature and for that we go to great lengths to reduce their impact on the environment. For Florensis, the availability of freshwater from lake Naivasha is key to producing young plants. “A healthy environment is what makes our business thrive,” explains Florence Obonya, CSR manager at Florensis. “That is why we have a wholesome view on sustainability. We rely on natural resources and will do anything that protects them. Apart from that, as a family business, we always consider long-term effects.”
We are aware of the CO2 footprint that cultivation and transport of flowers and plants leaves behind, and for this reason we are constantly improving our production processe to be more sustainable and also improving the employees working conditions and their environment.
Florensis has identified several sustainability issues in its production systems. The use of chemicals is one of those. Eddy Verbeek, the general manager states “We use chemicals for two purposes. The first is for growth control. Whenever we can, we use biological alternatives. That is relatively easy, but we also use disinfectants, and these are far more difficult to replace. All our plants must be 100 percent free of viruses, bacteria, and fungi. We want our clients to receive healthy plants that do not spread diseases. And besides that: the phytosanitary rules in the EU are extremely. You cannot export any plants that are not safe. To prevent the use of disinfectants, we focus on prevention. We produce our plants in sterile compartments, maintaining sanitizing rules that are at least as strict as in healthcare.” Read more