Date: 21st May 2015
Partners: Ilab Africa, Ibiz, Philips
Attendance: 25 start-ups
Impact: Reaching academia in what it takes to innovate, how to innovate.
Innovation is more then a ‘good’ idea.
This was a Workshop for Start-ups from Strathmore University ILab and IBiz about Sustainable and Inclusive Business and the important role of Innovation. Startups were sensitized on Sustainable Inclusive Business and were also taken through a masterclass on innovation by R&D-Philips.
We learnt that it is efficient to combine awareness and addressing SIB issues in general (or sector related) and combine it with closely related themes (information that is very relevant and interesting specifically for them (based on need expression or know need). Innovation and the way to look at innovation is very close to SIB vision, but also very interesting for the start-ups in general.