Eco-Innovation Space For Kenya – List Of Business Needs

Focus Areas

This is a call for urgent business solutions – guiding need based start-ups to ensure sustainable inclusive business development.

Businesses have specific solutions, the SDGs need to be achieved and the gap between business and young talent needs to be bridged, hence the Sustainable Innovation Business Centre with the main purpose of providing an innovation and demonstration facility where public and private sector can work together to develop and demonstrate technologies for production, work on viable business models and implement concrete solutions. It is to fill the gap in the eco-innovation system in Kenya and boost business in Kenya.

By boosting innovation the envisioned impact of this centre is sustainable economic growth, cost saving is industry, reduced environmental load, employment growth and improved livelihood of most vulnerable groups.

So far, this is a list of business needs:

Hospitality/Tourism/Events Industry

  • Bamboo cutlery
  • Alternative straws
  • Take away packaging solutions
  • Alternatives for PET bottles
  • Recycling / Upcycling of PET
  • Managing waste water
  • Cleaning environment that makes sense – circular solutions

Construction Industry

  • Recycled construction material
  • Efficient water use
  • Waste material & water


  • Alternatives for plastic packaging

Retail Industry

  • Packaging & Carrier Bags
  • Take Back Systems


  • Re-using/refurbishing appliances
  • Recycling & Reusing material
  • Redesigning: Renewable Sources