The Sustainable Inclusive Approach

Sustainability and Circular Economy is a fast growing space, that is bringing together stakeholders across all sectors. The need for reliable information and data being sort should be easily available and accessible. Collating news, reports, policies, and publications across all sectors will enhance the growth and adoption of sustainability and Circular Economy models.


Kenya Plastic Action Plan

The Kenya Plastic Action Plan is a private sector-led initiative that aims at establishing a voluntary centre for post-consumer plastic management through an industry-led Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). The Kenya Plastics Action Plan is a giant step by the country to arrest the problem of plastic waste management, turning it intoan environmental and economic solution. […]

National E-Waste Management Strategy

Electrical & Electronic pollution is a global challenge that requires global cooperation. Countries, corporations, and other actors must work together to advance a circular economy approach that will reduce the environmental effects of this kind of waste and recover the lost economic value of the material. The National E-waste Management Strategy is a five-year plan […]

National Sustainable Waste Management Policy

Waste is a resource that can be managed to achieve economic, social and environmental benefits. Addressing the waste management challenge effectively in Kenya is critical to delivering on Kenya’s constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment for all, advancing the circular economy to create green jobs and wealth from the waste sector, and realisation […]

National Marine Litter Management Action Plan

The Action plan provides pathways and identifies an agreed road map on which Kenya will ensure how waste is properly managed (prevention, reduction, sustainable management, circular economy, enhanced research, awareness, and data dissemination) to ensure it does not reach marine ecosystems that are a livelihood, especially to coast and lake region counties. The plan is [...]

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) 2021

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is defined as an environmental protection strategy that makes the manufacturer of the product responsible for the entire life cycle of the product and especially for thetake back, recycling and final disposal of the product (Lindhqvist, 2000; Khetriwal etal., 2009). EPR is one of the surest ways of implementing the “Polluter [...]

5th SIB Conference on CE report

Sustainable Inclusive Business the change Agent, held a preview webinar of our Annual Circular Economy Conference which brought together companies and stakeholders to share knowledge and  good practices in various sectors. Through inspiration, initiatives and facilitation and connection the session created a platform to set goals that will create a sustainable and inclusive economy.

1st SIB Conference Report

The first Private Sector Conference on Sustainable and Inclusive Business, held on the 27th of April this year at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa brought together members of the private sector, public sector, civil society and academia, working on various issues to speed up the process of creating sustainable and inclusive businesses in Kenya. […]

3rd SIB Conference Report

We have reached a moment in time that we need to change. Change the way we think, the way we execute business practice, and the way we measure success. Climate change, growing population, lack of water, pollution, use of raw materials, consumption habits, unemployment, energy use, inequality, animal welfare, agripractice, soil and land use are […]

2nd SIB Conference Report

The aim of the conference was to provide a Meet, Learn and Share opportunity for all players in the Kenyan economy, both private and public, members of the civil society and the academia to look at ways of how to turn the various challenges facing businesses into opportunities. It is in this conference that businesses […]


On the 11th and 12th of May 2021, European Union and Kenya held a Virtual EU-Kenya Green Diplomacy Conference, an event organised as part of the EU’s diplomatic efforts in promoting a transition to a climate neutral, nature-positive, resource efficient and more circular global economy in line with the ambition of the external dimension of […]

Country report-Plastic value chain in Kenya

Certain steps to advance waste management in Kenya have already been taken by both the private and public sector. Most notable development is the initiation of a system of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). This EPR system is currently supported by upcoming regulations by the public sector, as well as by the private sector, most prominently […]

National Guidance: Plastic pollution hotspotting and shaping action

Hotspots: They refer to the most relevant plastic polymers, applications, industrial sectors, regions or waste management stages causing the leakage of plastics into the environment (including land, air, water and marine environment), as well as associated impacts, through the life cycle of plastic products. Interventions: They are tangible actions that can be taken to mitigate […]

Kenya and the Netherlands Working together towards Circular Agriculture in Kenya

By adopting increasingly circular, regenerative, and inclusive farming practices,  Kenya has shown great potential to make its second-largest industry more sustainable overall. For instance, circular agriculture is enabling Kenya to mitigate climate change, elevate its food quality and improve security. In recent years, Kenya and the Netherlands worked together to optimize Kenya’s agriculture sector by […]

Single Use Plastics Trend Report

With the bans on single use plastic use and carrier bags, Kenya is among the first movers in a worldwide trend towards a cleaner and healthier environment, even though other countries are taking impactful steps in the same direction as well. In this trend report, Sustainable Inclusive Business (SIB Kenya) provides more insights into the […]

STATE OF AFFAIRS: Policies, Regulations and Laws that Address the Harmful Effects of Single-Use Plastics in the East African Community

Through meaningful partnerships between government agencies and the private sector, Kenya is on a path to strategically integrating circularity in key sectors that will result in the development of new businesses active in redesigning, recycling and waste management. It will increase sustainable economic development and resilience. Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in [...]