Assessment of the Current Status of the Circular Economy of Large Household Appliances Waste in Kenya
Kenya has experienced a significant rise in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) consumption, resulting in a large portion of EEEs becoming waste due to the absence of proper end-of-life processing infrastructure. To tackle this issue, Sustainable Inclusive Business (SIB-K), supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), has developed an action plan for a future-proof e-waste management system focusing on large household appliances. The research was methodically conducted using a cross-sectional design, and a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches involved comprehensive data collection through desk reviews, key informant interviews, and questionnaires sent to local governments, government agencies, e-waste management companies, business organizations, and societies.

Project Objectives
The study’s primary goal was to develop an action plan to significantly enhance the circularity of large household appliances (LHHA) in Kenya, a crucial step towards sustainable e-waste management.

Target Groups & Impact
Target Group(s): The target groups are Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) producers, dealers, users and households, and government agencies.
- Conducted a successful study to assess the “Current Status of the Circular Economy of Large Household Appliances Waste in Kenya” using a cross-sectional design and a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study involved comprehensive data collection through desk reviews, key informant interviews, and questionnaires sent to local governments, government agencies, e-waste management companies, business organizations, and societies.
- Developed an action plan for a future-proof e-waste management system focusing on large household appliances.
- Conducted policy analysis and provided insights into E-Waste Generation and Processing, identifying policy gaps and opportunities.
- Designed a conceptualized pilot project using a four-phase approach to address the identified system gaps. Each phase comprises different activities that target distinct stakeholders and elements of the overall value retention system.
Developed a roadmap visualization of the prioritized waste stream and potential for circularity. Kenya has adopted a circular economy concept as its preferred approach to stimulate ‘value retention processes,’ among which is decent e-waste management. While an explicit framework has not been specified for LHHA waste, the management of used LHHA (including ‘waste’) is assumed to fall under the general e-waste circular economy framework.
Project Partners