The new way of measuring business success is better for people, planet and profit. Why and how? Here we launch the frontrunners, their win-wins, how they did it and why. Get inspired. Work Together. Be better and be Good.

  • 5 min. SIBKenya intro on how to go about it and intake
  • 5 min. Blab Intro
  • 5 min. Eco2Librium example
  • 5 min. Embassy strategy example

10 min. Conclude into launch of B3 Boost Better Business Program
Invite audience & open for Q&A
Proof of benefit by assessing and measuring your performance. Boosting Better Business (your positive impact) is Better for the World. A Business likes to be well informed, have their status documented, their status measured and the improvements and impact tracked. Cause then it’s clear, it’s good for People Planet and your Business (Profit). SIB developed a program where Frontrunners can now Get an Intake, a status overview, sector information, advise and can start assessing and measuring your Sustainable Business Practice Impact (ON SDG’s). But there is not one way to Boost your Business. We will inspire you with various examples.

Let’s talk business and value. Business and positive impact. Business and Future Proof measuring of success. Stay ahead of the game and value all your capital.

It might sound complicated – natural capital, a price tag on nature, natural resources. But does it need to be an ‘airy’ story? We don’t think so. Nothing new – just the mindset to be(come) a future proof business. Positive impact on People, Planet, Profit. Scrap linear thinking, start circular thinking and assess your business through and through. Profit triple bottom line thinking is not new but still needs to become the new norm. It makes sense to look at the ‘true’ price of products and services as that will predict the sustainability of a business model (and lowers business risks). Any business operates in the space of nature, whether we talk about your office, the factory, transport, waste, raw materials, emissions, selling nature, resources.

Conference HighLevel Roundtable

Having Biodiversity on every Business agenda by raising awareness, encouraging businesses to improve and creating and highlighting the Good Practices.
Pushing for: (SDG 7, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 17)

High Level Roundtable during Conference to meet Stakeholders and have an open discussion around Business & Biodiversity.

Agenda & Objective:

Gather insights and inputs from government, NGO’s, business community. This will be the meeting defining the Baseline for Business & Biodiversity (SDG 13, 14, 15 and 7 and 11) in Kenya.

Moderator: Willem Lageweg (former CEO, MVO The Netherlands)

  • 10 min. Sharing brief status of Biodiversity in Kenya – by WWF/ ACC
  • 10 min. Country perspective on Conservation & Natural Capital
    • Status, plans, taskforces
  • 10 min. NGO perspective on Conservation & Natural Capital by
    Ademola Ajagbe

    • Birdlife International
    • Status, activities, focus areas
  • 10 min. Business perspective on Biodiversity
    • Sharing linkage and translation of Biodiversity into Business relevance
    • sector overview, urgent issues, good practices and proof of concept
  • 40 min Discussion & need assessment with Moderator
    • Challenges and Opportunities:
  • 15 min Summarizing & way forward

Present at the Roundtable:
  • SIBkenya (Hosted by KEPSA) (supported by Embassy of The Netherlands),
  • WWF and ACC representing (WWF Regional office,
  • IUCN,
  • Conservation International,
  • Birdlife International,
  • African Wildlife Foundation (AWF),
  • IFAW,
  • The Nature Conservancy,
  • African Network for Animal welfare). F. Makken,
  • Ceo of KEPSA C. Kariuki,
  • Ministery of Tourism and Wildlife,
  • Kenyan Government invited:
    • CS Tourism,
    • CS Environment,
    • CS Trade & Investment,
  • knowledge partners from various sectors:
    • Construction,
    • Agri / HortiCulture,
    • Tourism,
    • Extraction,
    • Finance.

Business of Biodiversirty by Everard (University of the West of England)

“These days, the business and sustainability agenda is fast-moving. Business finds itself absolutely on the front line of the battle being waged between humankind (as the dominant species on the planet) and the rest of the living systems and creatures with which we share the planet. This will be seen in retrospect as a collective aberration of monstrous proportions (we are, in effect, making war on ourselves), but it is taking us a very long time indeed to wake up to the consequences of this aberration.

The Business of Biodiversity nails that mis-prioritisation with splendid eloquence. Once business people come to see that biodiversity still represents the primary resource for all our business activities, then the business case for embedding biodiversity right at the heart of corporate strategy grows stronger by the day. By the same token, the societal case for putting biodiversity at the top of the agenda rather than treating it as an irritating afterthought becomes overwhelming.”

With Introduction by Arif Neky, Advisor, Strategic Partnerships and Philanthropy, UNDP Kenya.

“Every single social and global issue of our day is a business opportunity in disguise.” (Peter Drucker, management guru)

Philips’ is endorsing this statement with leading the way with Sustainable Inclusive Business practice that is all in on SDG3. Why? What is the way forward and the ultimate success formula for businesses achieve?

In this session, we will discuss each in detail with real-life examples like MedSource and challenges from corporates, start-ups and finance providers how to contribute to SDG, and turn SDG’s into Business opportunities. 3 Ways to Reach the Next 3 Billion: Innovation, Agility and Finance.

Low- to middle income families have many unmet needs from food, water, shelter to sanitation, healthcare and livelihoods.  There are 3 billion people living on less than $2.50 per day—nearly half of the global population.  This market with its size and potential latent demand provides huge opportunity for business. The question for the private sector from start-ups, SMEs to corporates is how to reach this market sustainably. Businesses will need innovative business models, agility to respond to ever-changing market and financing for scale.

How business transformation pays off, makes you stay ahead of the game and guarantees you a sustainable business space.

Moderated by Sheena Raikundalia
With insights from Intellecap director Dr. Mthandazo Ngwenya

Networking optimizing business of food

Moderator: Strathmore Business School: Rosemary Okello

  1. Introduction of the workshop topic and program by AgriBank: Rabobank CEO – Mr. Kees Verbeek view on Agriculture is Agribusiness. The trends, vision on Finance and Agri in Kenya, EA, Africa. Technology, knowledge, responsibility of key players and ecosystem connection will drive the Agribusiness forward in a (more) secure way.
  2. Brief flashback of results and ways forward from the Conference 2017 & AgriProFocus Network day. 4 conclusions we are following up today to Optimize Business of Quality Food and decrease Food losses! Quality standards (business sense and partnerships), interlinking, leaders & innovations & consumer awareness by Socaa & AgriProFocus
  3. Panel discussion around Sustainable Inclusive Agribusiness (to increase quality, scale and decrease losses). Panellist IDH, Yielder, SNV – Olivado, Governors – Kiambu (Nyoro) Governor Vihiga county –Wilbur Otichiro, Kenyan Horti Culture Council
  4. Q&A session prepared by panellist (list of expected questions, moderator can ask audience – is this xxxx something you recognize, is this xxx a questions that’s on top of your mind) To stir discussion and Q&A is also amongst audience. We expect a very mixed and knowledgeable group of Agri people.
    The audience can also answer the questions.
  5. Action & network session
    Based on discussion and Q&A we like to invite everyone to connect with the knowledge person you were looking for, the business you want to partner with, the solution you want to scale etc.

Wrap up
Share your network Action & Impact results. Who is doing what after this session. And what else do you need to drive sustainable inclusive AgriBusiness forward.

Content: AgriBusiness is everyone’s business. It is our Food. The populations in constantly growing and the use of land for Agri has to be as efficient, healthy and sustainable as possible. In the day and age we are living in we know how to do it. But to bring all together is a journey. We have to decrease loss and waste, increase quality to guarantee good and sufficient business of Food. Optimizing, by scaling connecting, informing, partnering, transparency, innovating, storing are some of the buzz words when we look at responsibility solutions and Business opportunities.

Key findings on Food loss and Food safety were shared during various events, it’s time to discuss the solutions and opportunities.

Introduction: Kenyan Green Building Society

Moderator: Prof. Omenya

Content: Kenyan Green Building Society

Sustainable inclusive business is an imperative in the construction sector to achieve Kenya’s commitments toward COP21 targets, global sustainable development goals (SDGs), Vision 2030 in its current phase of the Medium Term Plan 3 (MTP3) for 2018 to 2022, the Green Economy Strategy Implementation Plan (GESIP), Government’s Big 4 Agenda, and devolution agenda under County Integrated Development Plans (CIDP) and County Spatial Plans.

The building and construction sector is of key importance to the development of Africa and the well-being of its population. Africa can fulfil the demand for a built environment that meets the needs of African people through the application of sustainable building and construction (SBC) concepts. SBC is important for the region and can offer potential to improve the health of people and the environment in surrounding areas as well as reduce the effects of poverty by upgrading unplanned settlements. To adapt an African maxim, those who adopt sustainable construction practices can shelter themselves from unpredictable consequences of unsustainable building and construction practices.

Activities falling within the ‘shelter’ category, specifically the building sector, account for some 40% of overall energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions, and a majority of material resource use. Accordingly, the sector offers a substantial emissions reduction potential at low or no cost. On this basis sustainable construction should become the rule and not the exception.

Challenges in the built environment are poised to be opportunities for SIB through green building practices:

  • Management: Adresses the way a builing site and completed building is designed for ease of ood management, waste management, building commissioning as well as the development of building user guides. SIB opportunities emerge by inclusion of Facilities Management as a formal discipline in professional curricula.
  • Indoor Environmental Quality: Assess the wellbeing an comfort of building occupants by addressing thermal comfort, pollutants, natural daylight and ventilation. Energy auditing already exists as a profession, however, this represents an enhanced skillset and market offering.
  • Energy: Aims to reduce a buildings energy consumption, increase its efficiency and encourage the generation of power from alternative sources. Renewable energy offers the most entrepreneurial opportunity previously reserved for large public sector utilities.
  • Transport: Aims to disincentivise motor vehicles use for single persons by encouraging use of public and alternative transport. Green transport opportunities through cycling, hybrid & electric vehicular transport are an important market gap to be explored.
  • Water: Aims to target reduced use of potable water by encouraging specification of low flow items and the recycling of grey and black water. Scarcity of potable water and mainstreaming of wastewater treatment and rainwater harvesting at the microgrid and individual building level offer entrepreneurial opportunity. Blue economy opportunities abound.
  • Materials: Reduce the use of virgin material and encourage the use of materials from sustainable sources. Across the built environment, green certified building materials are an opportunity for manufacturers to create a local green economy.
  • Land use & ecology: Increase and protect our natural biodiversity. The built environment is heavily dependent on natural resources for its built environment, and responsible land use & ecology are imperative, and offer green economy opportunities.
  • Emissions: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on the environment. SIB opportunities in the production of sensors and monitoring equipment for emissions monitoring and control.
  • Innovation: Recognise, reward and encourage innovation initiatives incorporated into building projects. Kenya is an innovator and initiatives from Kenya Climate Innovation Centre need to be applied locally by practitioners.
  • Socio-economic: Moving beyond green to address aspects of social and economic importance by addressing skills transfer, employment creation and community benefits

Greening the construction sector through sustainable and inclusive business are imperative for Kenya to meet its SDG and COP 21 commitments, Vision 2030 agenda under Medium Term Plan 3 (2018 to 2022), the Green Economy Strategy Implementation Plan (GESIP), and the County Integrated development Plans (CIDP) and County Spatial Plans (CSP).

This session:

A. Sketching the Construction Landscape in Kenya with panel of key players who will quickly talk you through:

  1. Sustainability in Construction Industry (Green Construction Business is the Future, Circular thinking will create major business opportunities, Local green manufacturing & recycling, green procurement)
  2. Inclusivity in the Construction Industry (Fabricating on site, skill sets to create jobs, non accredited workforce, foreign construction projects, Government Capacity building to support green construction, affordable housing, manual labour, 3D printing, improving health & safety practices)
  3. Examples, Opportunities and Good Practices – OrangeClimate, Eco Create&Innovate amongst others.

B. Interactive Table discussion on

  1. Sustainability:
    • Challenges – converted in Opportunities & Solutions
    • Requirements: Capacity, Rules & Regulations, Finance, Information
    • Action & Stakeholders & Leader:
  2. Inclusivity:
    • Challenges – converted in Opportunities & Solutions
    • Requirements: Capacity, Rules & Regulations, Finance, Information
    • Action & Stakeholders & Leader:

C. Presentation & Prioritising Actions

D. Networking & Partnership speed dates


PET can fill road potholes, water & salt can be natural Aircon, demolition waste reuse, recycling and repurposing; use of flyash and slag waste in cement production; recycling steel

In the room
  • Government,
  • Regulators & Parastatals:
    • National Treasury,
    • Ministry of Transport,
    • Infrastructure,
    • Housing & Urban Development,
    • Council of Governors,
    • Kengen,
    • National Construction Authority,
  • NGOs:
    • Kenya Green Building Society,
    • Kenya Property Developers Association,
    • Kenya Bankers Association,
    • FSD Africa,
    • Kenya Climate Innovation Centre.
  • Companies with green-certified products:
    • OrangeClimate,
    • Cement,
    • Steel,
    • Paint,
    • Timber,
    • Construction Adhesives,
    • Tiles,
    • Sanitary ware,
    • Ironmongery,
    • Solar PV,
    • Waste water treatment plants etc. – full list in KGBS contact database.
  • Responsible Developers:
    • iJenga,
    • PDM,
    • Fedha,
    • Dunhill,
    • MML Turner,
    • Townsend,
    • Imaran.
Introduction by: Llyord Gitau – Sustainable Inclusive Business Kenya

Moderator: Madelon Barens

Which ingredients define New Young Leaders? What do Businesses need from their new workforce, change makers and talents? And what does Young talents Drive within a business?

  1. Intro by SIBkenya? about trends and needs
  2. BackChat session with 3 young talents and & 3 established businesses. To identify Which ingredients define New Young Leaders? What do Businesses need from their new workforce, change makers and talents? And what does Young talents Drive within a business?
  3. Q&A and speeddate session on what are the questions and answers of/in the audience regarding 2.
  4. Form a panel with MasterPeace, Nudge, Intellecap that can zoom in to solutions for needs and conclusions
  5. Launch program Great Mind Challenge
  6. Wrap up by summarizing key ingredients for new leaders, define the desired new business mindset success formulas to grow sustainable workforce, solutions and the way forward.

Live insights on How to grow your business based on the GREATEST WORKFORCE and employees’ engagement? Launching a program designed by MASTERPEACE & NUDGE in collaboration with SIB to grow and boost your most Promising Young Talent in business into a New Leaders!

Join and learn how you can be more Sustainable and Inclusive with your daily workforce. Boost your Business. Start with the INSIDE. Try a great free tool to test your Employees Happiness & Engagement and TRANSFORM education, training, application procedures and incentives in a total new way.

  • Kick off presentation Flipflopi, Dipesh Pabari
  • Bridging to – How to Reduce, Recyle, Reuse, Replace and deal with Waste Management as Businesses
  • 1. Introduction of the workshop topic Waste Management and Business responsibility and opportunities.

The Progress and actions: Moderator: Faith Temba (KAM)
Divided in different Groups we all have a role to play. Whether you are a producer, a user, a recycler, distributor or a collector. Key players in the (Plastic) Waste management ecosystem share the impacts and programs in place, and invite businesses to join. How to go about plastic in the Retail Industry? Where do you leave your E-Waste? Is Farm waste not of Value? Is there a business that collects my waste and recycles it? Can we form groups that start with take back action? Per value chain, small groups that lead the change and front run.

Waste is a big topic and first steps towards solution often are more manageable if we break the issue down into groups.

5 minutes x 4 speakers

3. Introduction sketch of situation in Kenya – key player, solution and the opportunities with 4 panelist.

a. Hospitality – quick sketch by Richard Ndiga (Serena Hotels)
b. E-Waste – quick sketch by WEEE director Tom Musili
c. PET/Plastic – quick sketch by CGK
d. Packaging – quick sketch by TakaTaka Solutions Daniel Paffenholz

10 minutes panel discussion

20 minutes

4. Q&A in table groups according to a, b, c, d
SubGroup: Hospitality: Serena Hotels Water solution, the Eco Package Deal, Lets go Travel, ECO-tourism, no single use plastic Hotel Consortium Bali, alternatives, Hotels in Nairobi, Travel agents. SubGroup: E-Waste with the E-waste recycler WEEE Centre and Gogla
SubGroup: PET – what how and now – and examples: Precious Plastic, BIG Question& Answer

10 minutes

5. Presenting solutions, actions and needs based on table discussions

15 minutes

6. Having matchmaking – speed dates based on 5.

Introduction by: Director Ilab – Strathmore University – Incubator leader

Tech for GOOD business cases: Unilever Transform Program & Inclusive Business Sweden,
Moderation by: TONEE NDUNGU

Technology, IT is one of the biggest tools to drive change. If need-based innovations make use of the latest technologies we can solve massive issues. The most famous example for Kenya is MPESA: A Mobile Money platform where 50% of the total population (46 million) is having access to money transferring services. This platform and technology can be used to share information as well as offer other services like ‘renewable energy’ – Mkopa. Care pay is a health insurance system on the same platform. We like to share examples of great technology innovations for better business (for people and planet) and inspire you.

TECH for GOOD – this workshop is around Solutions and TECH Solution thinking. Get inspired, get going.

  1. Introduction and trend forecast by Bernard Chiira, Ilab
    TechForGood example
  2. Inclusive Business Sweden partnership on Transform program with Unilever.
    Unilever is empowering micro entrepreneurs through their Transform Program with the Duka platform to boost Micro business. Inclusive Business Sweden will showcase how to include the BoP into your business case.
  3. Kytabu, digitalising education for inclusion by CEO Paul Mugambi
  4. Inspiration and parade of examples -> by Tonee Ndungu
  5. Interactive session with Q&A
    • Sharing more examples
    • Sharing what kind of Tech solution are you looking for?
    • Sharing what kind of input to your solution are you looking for?
  6. Smart TechWays forward
Introduction: Michiel Heroes & Friends

Moderation: Heroes & Friends idea, Intellecap, StartupWave & MDF

Partnerships are not all about Public Private collaborations. We recognize a trend where Businesses embrace responsible business practice in all elements of their business. Procurement for example. How to ‘source’ responsible, how to ‘recruit responsible’, how to close deals (clients) ‘responsible’. At the Annual Sustainable Inclusive Business Conference, you will find your like-minded Business Partners.

Based on the digital input in the plenary morning session: Needs, Expectations, Expertise we have insight in the different matches businesses are looking for and what kind of expertise we are able to connect.

A very interactive session – to match your need!

The Match Making Session