In two weeks time on 27 April 2016 we like to welcome you at the Conference on Sustainable Inclusive Business. We like to highlight the following workshops especially for you and your organization/company/institute.

General Workshop

‘Business scan on the spot’. What’s my SIB status and what are and HOW to take the next steps.

Get insights in your opportunities to have a positive impact on people, planet and profit. Cause Sustainable Inclusive Business, makes business sense. With examples of business models (Strathmore), useful tools, knowledge to build on, hands-on tricks and tips how to implement and organize.

With experts from The Netherlands; MVO The Netherlands is the largest Sustainable Inclusive Business /CSR knowledge and Network Centre in Europe and Deltares. Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface. Throughout the world, they work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Please join and get your business to the next level.

Workshop on Transparency

“The reality of the facts and how to go forward”.

Why transparency is the healthy base of a growing and developing country? How to tackle and change the challenges together and make sure a Future Proof Business environment is shaped. With insights of Mkenya Daima, facts from Transparency International and Business proof from KEPSA (code of ethics) leading businesses. An open conversation on challenges and opportunities with a view on the Future.

Workshop Marketing & Communication

“Talk about and show what you do and why (without any hot-air) will raise awareness, understanding, appreciation and consciousness”.

Insights on Sustainable Inclusive Business from KLM, the most sustainable airline on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for eleven years in a row. How raising awareness will impact people, planet and your business positively. An inspiring learning journey!

“How do we make the Private sector and the Public sector work together towards a sustainable and inclusive, fruitful and successful Healthy Kenya. Lets get clear!”

  • Part 1– Showcasing business examples: Philips CLC, PharmAccess, PSP4H, (total 20 min) and discussing the challenges and gaps and define the possible opportunities within those.
  • Part 2 – How can we make it happen, realistic opportunities zoomed in with the CEC’s, Hon. Daniel Rono (tbc), PPP’s, IFC, Private Sector amongst others. Moderated by KHF and with sparring partners like Jacaranda Health, Aga Khan, Ministry of Health and NHIF.

“A Sustainability value chain approach to Horti-Cultural quality assurance”.

X-ray from PPP’s of the industry compliance to market requirements (= sustainability). Where and how can we improve and take sustainable farming and growing to the next level?

With insights from Kenyan Flower Council, Mara Farming, KEPHIS, HCD, PCPB, Flower Farms amongst others.

“Unlocking youth potential in agribusiness – creating enabling environment through knowledge sharing, learning and advocacy”.

There is increased campaign through government, private sector and development sector players on the role youth can play towards contributing to the food security situation in the country. But! Is the environment conducive for youth participation in agribusiness? How do we enhance sustainability of youth led enterprises and innovations? What is the role of knowledge sharing and networking in unlocking the youth potential? What role can lobbying and advocacy play in creating an enabling environment?

Join AgriProFocus and partners as they look at inclusion through a youth lens. Share your experiences and draw lessons on how each stakeholder can play a part in unlocking the potential of youth in Agribusiness.

“The need for a safe food and future proof Agri business with quality produce for the Kenyan market makes business sense”.

Quality and safety of foods impacts everybody. The vicious circle is showing the impact on People, Planet and Profit. Get insights on what is the status of quality produce for the local market in Kenya. Examples of businesses stepping into this opportunity to convert a need into a Sustainable and future proof business. This new mindset comes with challenges, responsibilities and opportunities highlighted by innovative start-ups (like Fresh & Easy and the KenyaComRabbitConsortium Ltd.), well-established businesses (e.g. HappyCowKenya Ltd.), academia like Strathmore and the University of Nairobi and sparring partner SNV.

A journey with clear insight on “how improving the value chain and sustainable logistics go hand in hand and lead to triple win!”

Showcasing Transport Supply Chain of Flowers. 
To maximize the sustainability of transport & cargo business we have to look at the whole supply chain and improve on infrastructure, packaging and paperwork. Showcasing the Flower Transport Chain – an x-ray highlighting successes, the bottlenecks, gaps and opportunities (for new innovations and businesses). By KLM Cargo / Kenya Airways, Flower Watch & Panalpina Airflo.

A great learning case cross-sectoral on why, how to improve a value chain. It is also a great opportunity to explore how gaps and challenges could be the opportunity for new innovations and businesses. Improvement of the value chain makes business sense. Join this clear case of presenting and discussing improving a value chain for a positive impact on people, planet and profit!

Workshop Innovation

“The Power of innovations for People, Planet, Profit. What is innovation?”

Why successful innovation is always ‘need-based?

Master class on Innovation by Philips R&D and KCIC (Kenya Climate Innovation Centre) with sparring partners like iHub, iLab.

Workshop Future Workforce

“The win-win of synergies between corporates, sme’s, youth, start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovation”.

Hands-on workshop with fast pitches and reverse pitches and insights on how to partner fruitfully, grow win-win synergies, tap into each others niches, gaps, opportunities and expertise (distribution, financial system, go-to-market). Workshop will be lead by Intellecap with sparring partners like Inclusive Business Accelerator, IHub, the HUB, Ilab (Strathmore) and KEPSA.

A great learning case cross-sectoral on why, how to improve a value chain. It is also a great opportunity to explore how gaps and challenges could be the opportunity for new innovations and businesses. Improvement of the value chain makes business sense. Join this clear case of presenting and discussing improving a value chain for a positive impact on people, planet and profit!

“(Waste and) Re-Newable Energy is GOOD Business”.

Productive use of (waste and) re-newable energy is business and makes business sense (by having a positive impact on People, Planet, Profit). Where as some areas of Re-Newable Energy are already big business, others are still on the rise.

With a birds-eye view on the full picture of (waste and) Re-newable Energy, the status of today and the potential of and view on the future. What is happening on micro, middle and macro level? What are the gaps, the challenges and the opportunities if we zoom into Biogas and Bio-Mass? With perspectives on domestic and industry level play-field.

Overview from HIVOS green energy, insights from KCIC on climate technologies, tangible examples from Netfund (tbc), Delmonte (tbc), GoodFuels / GoodNRG Group (Biofuel provider KLM on flights from Amsterdam – Oslo) and moderation and experience from Solinc EA (formerly Ubbink). Active knowledge partner Philips Lighting and KCIC and Sustainable Energy Access Forum Kenya.

A journey with clear insight on “how improving the value chain and sustainable logistics go hand in hand and lead to triple win!”

Showcasing Transport Supply Chain of Flowers.
 To maximize the sustainability of transport & cargo business we have to look at the whole supply chain and improve on infrastructure, packaging and paperwork. Showcasing the Flower Transport Chain – an x-ray highlighting successes, the bottlenecks, gaps and opportunities (for new innovations and businesses). By KLM Cargo / Kenya Airways, Flower Watch & Panalpina Airflo.

A great learning case cross-sectoral on why, how to improve a value chain. It is also a great opportunity to explore how gaps and challenges could be the opportunity for new innovations and businesses. Improvement of the value chain makes business sense. Join this clear case of presenting and discussing improving a value chain for a positive impact on people, planet and profit!

“The win-win of synergies between corporates, sme’s, youth, start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovation”.

Hands-on workshop with fast pitches and reverse pitches and insights on how to partner fruitfully, grow win-win synergies, tap into each others niches, gaps, opportunities and expertise (distribution, financial system, go-to-market). Workshop will be lead by Intellecap with sparring partners like Inclusive Business Accelerator, IHub, the HUB, Ilab (Strathmore) and KEPSA.

“The roadmap to a fruitful flourishing business environment where equality is key”.

Learn why female leadership is a powerful mean to reach this, see how equality is making your business grow, define the possible roads together, close the gaps. Drive your business towards a business culture with a future proof leadership mind-set.
With insights from flower farms, research from Hivos, vision from Ufadhili and proof of benefit from successful companies. Hands-on discussion in tackling issues and by passing hazards.

Workshop Horti-culture and Dairy Value Chain

“Unlocking youth potential in agribusiness – creating enabling environment through knowledge sharing, learning and advocacy”.

There is increased campaign through government, private sector and development sector players on the role youth can play towards contributing to the food security situation in the country. But! Is the environment conducive for youth participation in agribusiness? How do we enhance sustainability of youth led enterprises and innovations? What is the role of knowledge sharing and networking in unlocking the youth potential? What role can lobbying and advocacy play in creating an enabling environment?

Join AgriProFocus and partners as they look at inclusion through a youth lens. Share your experiences and draw lessons on how each stakeholder can play a part in unlocking the potential of youth in Agribusiness.