Final Report of the Boost Better Business Program 2 Scale 20Nov18


Final Report of the Boost Better Business Program 2 Scale 20Nov18

While it is commonplace for business leaders to discuss how they minimize the harm their businesses cause to communities and the environment, the new business leaders are setting the bar higher by seeking to, not only minimize harm, but to also maximize the positive impact of their businesses. Instead of limiting negative externalities, they actively and purposefully seek a regenerative economy by operating their businesses using inclusive, thoughtful and sustainable approaches. Businesses’ applying the sustainability approaches have a new mind-set to their value proposition, HR, Innovation, Value Chain & Procurement, Mobility, Governance, Transparency, Environment, Finance, Partnerships, Stakeholder engagement, Business Models and Communication. This are the SMART companies that add transformative value and are destined to exist in for a long while. The clarion call is that business today have to be transformational, innovative, smart, responsible, inclusive and sustainable. Such businesses are not only the best companies in Kenya, they are the best for Kenya as well.