2018 – 3rd Annual sustainable inclusive conference – change


2018 – 3rd  annual sustainable inclusive conference – change

Since the launch of sustainable inclusive business – the knowledge & network centre end of 2015 we have been hosting the annual sustainable inclusive circular conference.

From the start it has brought together on average 300 people from businesses, ngo’s, civil society, government and academia. the conferences have proven to be a fertile ground for businesses to exchange knowledge on sustainability and inclusiveness and to enhance their application abilities of sustainable inclusive business principles.

2018 – 3rd  annual sustainable inclusive conference – change

Change the way we think, the way we execute business practice, and the way we measure success. Climate change, growing population, lack of water, pollution, use of raw materials, consumption habits, unemployment, energy use, inequality, animal welfare, agri- practice, soil and land use are all not leading to a sustainable and future proof situation. The good news is that we know. we know the challenges, we understand the issues and we also know the solutions. We are completely capable of designing and implementing a different future proof live-style. all we need is to shift and act. Let’s set the new future proof norms.

During the 3rd private sector conference on sustainable inclusive business we aimed to inspire you with insights and examples of transformation, new ‘bottom line calculation’, new business mindset, new risk assessment, true pricing systems and a new way of measuring success. SIB-Kenya also aimed to showcase great examples, work in progress, insights from all sectors, bring people and ideas together and grow sustainable businesses. Together.

Tonee Ndungu (mc) is the founder and innovation architect behind Kytabu – he glued all speakers, workshops, facts and ideas together. changing your mind. mentimeter feedback – Michiel de Koning

speakers on stage were: keynote speaker: Dr. JP Balkenende (former prime minister, the kingdom of the Netherlands), Frans Makken (Ambassador, Embassy of the Netherlands), Dr. Vimal Shah (chairperson BIDCO), Mrs. Carole Kariuki (CEO KEPSA), Ms. Karin Boomsma (project director SIB-K), Ms. Sanda Ojiambo (Sustainability Manager Safaricom), Dr. Manu Chandaria (Chandaria)

Modern hiphop dancers & catwalk ladies dressed in waste materials showing how to change the way we look at materials and waste. Vegetarian lunch where nothing went to waste and food was grown with bsf soil, zero net flowers, soup made of left over vegetables, sustainable coffee, fair and pure pastries, dried mango snack, yoghurt with no antibiotics, cooking stove solutions, and many more sustainable experiences and start-ups on the spot!


Well attended workshops with key players in each field were held on: Optimizing the business of food – “agriculture is agribusiness”, (Plastic) Waste management- “collaboration on responsible solutions”, The great mind challenge – “which ingredients define new young leaders”?

Masterclass: “how to be ready to run a startup”, Business & Biodiversity – “conservation; natural capital; environment; climate change”, The future of technology as business solutions for issues,  Better businesses are in business – “sdgs make business sense”,  The green construction sector – “greening construction sector opportunity is mainly about realizing sustainable local manufacturing”,

Speed-dating / Matchmaking floor.