Circular Agriculture Trend Report / Brochure

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Circular Agriculture Trend Report / Brochure

This trend report highlights the transformative shift towards sustainable, circular, and regenerative agriculture in Kenya. By showcasing best practices and opportunities for improvement, it underscores the country’s potential to lead in agricultural innovation and sustainability. With the support of international partners like the Netherlands, Kenya is poised to embrace smart solutions and organizational processes that ensure successful implementation. As Kenya navigates its agricultural future, the possibilities for positive change are abundant, signaling a promising path towards a more sustainable and resilient food systems. This trend report explores the adoption of such practices, both in large-scale commercial farming and at the individual level, as a means to promote sustainability and resilience in Kenya’s agricultural sector. To address climate change, enhance food quality and security, there’s a growing need for sustainable, green, climate-smart, regenerative, circular, organic, and inclusive agricultural practices.


Agriculture holds a significant place in the Kenyan way of life, serving both as a livelihood and a cultural tradition. While Kenya boasts a robust agricultural sector with significant exports, many families maintain small plots of land for personal use. The country’s favourable climate and ample space present an opportunity to expand horticultural and floricultural production.

The report features exemplary practices and innovations aimed at advancing sustainable agriculture. Through five documentaries, we showcase initiatives that prioritize soil quality, nutrition, natural fertilizers, farm-to-market improvements, and innovative growing techniques in harmony with nature. These practices align with the principles of circular agriculture, which encompasses concepts such as climate-smart agriculture, resilient agriculture, regenerative agriculture, and conservation agriculture. They emphasize maintaining soil health, preserving biodiversity, facilitating carbon capture, and promoting fairness and equity throughout the food system.

The Netherlands, a global leader in agriculture and food exports, plays a pivotal role in Kenya’s journey towards sustainable agriculture. The Dutch Embassy in Kenya’s Food Security portfolio adopts a market-led approach, integrating Dutch knowledge, technology, and experience into the agricultural value chain. By focusing on key sub-value chains such as aquaculture, horticulture, animal feed, potatoes, and dairy, the Embassy aims to accelerate the adoption of circularity in Kenya’s agriculture sector. Dutch agri-food companies and research institutions contribute expertise in sustainability, climate-smart agriculture, and innovation, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient agricultural future in Kenya.