90% of all the plastic waste ever created has never been recycled

We've created 6.3 billion tonnes of it. Read more: https://wef.ch/2F4k3ul

Posted by World Economic Forum on Friday, January 4, 2019


(Refuse, Redesign, Replace, Reduce)

1. REFUSE THE STRAW #sip it (or use alternatives)

2. REUSABLES: jars and e.g. cotton storage bags

3. RECYCLING PET: or if not possible replace by glass or refillable/reusable materials

4. CUTLERY: Plastic Cutlery by bamboo, metal

5. NAPKINS: use napkins that contain NO plastic or that are recyclable or biodegradable

6. TAKE-AWAY use biodegradable or recyclable (or recycled) material (re-use) or reusable materials (and give discount for own Take Away materials, change for responsible Take Away materials.

Bring your own refillable and get 10% or sell refillables with great deal..

7. COFFEE & TEA (bags, cups, packaging) by coffee & tea suppliers that provide coffee and tea in completely biodegradable and or recyclable packaging


8. CLEAN AND RE-USE materials when you can for all kind of purposes


9. SEPARATE WASTE: PET, Film, Food, Soap, for Recycling (and down/up