Thanks to off-grid systems like AzuriTV, rural households can access Edu TV Channel 029 featuring daily lessons including English, Kiswahili, Maths and Science, along with hygiene and nutrition lessons being broadcast to help inform students and families on best practice to help defeat the spread of Coronavirus.
Azuri-powered off-grid households can also access learning via Radio Taifa, with lessons broadcast throughout the day, Monday to Friday.
“We are committed to supporting off-grid households through this challenging time and we want to do all we can to ensure that children in rural Kenya are not left behind in terms of learning progress due to the crisis facing the nation and the world” – Azuri CEO Simon Bransfield-Garth.
Azuri has coupled off-grid solar with energy-efficient smart TVs, rechargeable radios, satellite entertainment, and a range of other appliances and services to bring modern digital technology to off-grid households.