Never waste a crisis. These are good times to review your business. The corona pandemic will change many things – so be prepared for the post corona era. Can you answer these questions?
What is your contribution to society? Did you help to stop the virus? Or did you try to make a profit out of it? What does this tell you about who you are and who you want to be? Does this correspond with your mission and vision?
Were you able to maintain your business during the crisis? Are you relying on one service or product for income? Were you dependent on one or two suppliers? Do you see any possibilities to become more resilient?
DO you have assets that can contribute to a better post corona economy? Can you use them to increase your positive impact on society? For example: as titanium mining company, you could be also the expert on landscape restoration. If you are able so supply every corner of the country with soft drinks, could you also distribute emergency help kits? If you run a small eating stall where customers sit to eat and chat, could you also spread urgent information and strengthen community?
Pandemics and other disasters thrive in an unsustainable world. Do you know your impacts on climate change, biodiversity loss and social disintegration? Are you willing and able to manage these impacts, for example by using the natural capital protocol, align your strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals or the Paris Climate Agreements?
The corona crisis has shown that people are very much inclined to help each other in times of need. Are you ready to maintain this attitude after the crisis? Can you help your clients, suppliers and neighbourhood to become more sustainable?